Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

The final road, 4 weeks till GNC Pro Figure Show

hair: Gorgeous Hair Extensions,
Photo: NAtalie V,
Makeup: Whitney Hunt,
Stylist: Sara
It has been a few weeks since my last update, so it is with a fair bit of excitement I can let you in on a little bit of info.....4 weeks out and I am so ready, I feel mentally and physically on fire! 

I had a DEXA scan done this week and as anyone  knows,  who has followed my prep in the past, I find this to be a great means of assessing progress- after all FIGURES NEVER LIE...and these stats have been the best yet. 6.9%bf ( i was 6% when I returned from Mexico last October),  an increase of 3kg of lean muscle since my last show (which needed to happen, bouts of food poisoning don't do great things for muscle preservation). So in the face of this, some shifting of the training and dieting routine and I am really very happy with where we are heading to the FIT X event.

Having never used certain stacks of supplements pre training in the past, I have to say that the combination of Creatine, L-carnitine and beta-alinine are making a remarkable difference in my output these days. 

So with a new super fine bikini from my favourite USA supplier on its way (bling bling baby!), hair and makeup and tan all organised for the big day, I can sit back, and push to the finish line. 
Thoughts on being on the pro stage? Well I have to say I have been overwhelmed with the level of support I have received from so many of you all over Australia, many are flying in for the event from interstate-I promise to present a package worthy of the trip, in addition to the rest of the shows that the team here in Melbourne have lined up-wow you are all in for the biggest treat of your lives. It is shaping up to be a weekend that you will be talking about for a very long time.The buzz around the gym is unbelievable and so motivating. 

To the many of you that have sent me messages of love and support I thankyou from the bottom of my heart, it really does mean so much to me. (for more info go to: www.fitx.com.au)

I recently made a brief but wonderful trip to WAFIC in Perth. Best part of the weekend, other than meeting many new industry professionals, was I got to hang out with Michelle Nazaroff, Rae Cattach and Abi Meyer and the stunning Natasha Taraglia was the most gorgeous and gracious host (plus she makes a mean espresso which never fails to please ;). I had a far too brief time with Danka O'mara, who is looking super fantastic for her Arnolds show in 3 weeks-good luck girl!

This prep has been one of the most enjoyable in a long time. Great training buddies that have challenged me physically and psychologically and thrown a few 'narly moves' at me which has made training really fun. I think too that this preparation has been amongst the most relaxed and stress free I have had too, the difference quite evident in so many areas. So I am very excited about this year and so far the form is improving consistently and that really is all an athlete can hope for. In this, one of the most subjective of all sports, so long as there is improvement and enjoyment then you have already WON.

All the competitors getting ready for their shows, hang tight the best part is yet to come and I look forward to seeing you all backstage at FITX. Never forget through all the cardio, training, declined dinner offers with friends, that you are amongst the few lucky enough to have chosen the opportunity to create an exceptional life of health, to inspire those around you by your actions and show the inner strength that brings you to the stage on game day. Be proud of your achievements at every moment, no matter how tough you are going, there is someone else pushing just as hard and feeling it too.

Be Well. Be Exceptional. Never settle for less than AMAZING!
xox pocket

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