Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Back to reality and Dohertys Gym CITY

Well we are into a new week, I have carbs in my diet again and some semblance of a brain-a point which many may beg to differ on sometimes. After a mammoth competition season that has seen a few thousand air miles racked up with Virgin Australia/Blue (love these guys), I am so very happy to say that I am back home & in the gym, training seriously again. (Oh, Dohertys how we missed you...)

After a hectic national championships, I returned on the last flight back to Melbourne, Sunday night, to a chilling 9 degrees-what is with that?- Despite the cold, it was nice to finally be home and ready to kick off the last weeks of 2010 with an increased training intensity, not only for myself but for all my wonderful crew too. I know they will hate me for saying it, but a month of no Pocket Rocket is simply far too long a holiday in my books.

I am soo excited about the new training packages and online portals for purchasing programs (a facebook store and PRP has some great new items for you), new store items ranging from services, books, plans, accessories and apparel, pictures and soooo much more. With Team JP-POCKET ROCKET kicking goals, I am so excited to say that we will be having nutrition seminars and events on a regular basis in Melbourne. Soon also, to be held around Perth and Queensland, even more exciting are the guest speakers we have lined up to share their knowledge (cant say just yet but players from the major codes and some sporting stars will be making an appearance). There will also be Wellness Retreats for all you over worked, over stressed people who need to escape and recharge those batteries.
*For anyone who wants to know more about these events and also how to be a part of this dynamic and growing team I urge you to shoot me a contact asap, spots fill fast and you dont want to be left out in the COLD.

Glamazon and I have new training planned. After some super fantastic personal athletic results in 2010 I am keen to keep the body on track for an even better 2011. Progress is an on-going and ever evolving aspect of this sport and life, so progress we shall. Adapt, progress and improve. So stay tuned for some interesting training updates and challenges both mentally and physically being set and achieved.

Ready to hit my first spin session in nearly 6 weeks tomorrow morning, I wish everyone the best week, super charged training sessions...remember if you are not going anywhere fast, perhaps it is time to reassess your direction and adapt accordingly...the choice is always yours, so choose your choice wisely and commit fully to the actions required.

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