Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Aztec Pirimides & too many shoes....

With the finals days of our Mexico stay flying by, Glamazon and I are filling as much of our time soaking in the local scene as we can.
Yesterday, was a trip to the Aztec Pirimedes (yes i did spell that correctly...lol) monuments to the Sun and Moon and about 40min out of the city center. After the chaotic traffic and the constant noise, this area was peaceful and quite magical. We climbed the huge structure of stones, each having been layed by hand so many thousands of years ago. It is believed the site dates from A.D 1100, the fact that every single stone was set, cut and moved by hand, still blows my mind. That at a similar time in history, mirror images of these structures were being constructed by unrelated groups of peoples thousands of miles away in Egypt is also quite amazing.

The whole area, looking out from the vantage point of the pirimedes peak, was so much greener than i imagined it would be. A flat basin surrounded by some active and some dormant volcanic mountains. Quite a stunning scene to behold and you can see why the Aztecs chose such a spot to honor their Gods.

Tourism is of course a big part of the modern Mexican´s way of earning a living and there were plenty of stalls at the base of the runis to pick up trinkets. Which we of course did.

Probably one of the most interesting expereinces I take with me from this day was just how the altitude effected most of the people there, you really had to take your time going to the top of the steep ruins and I nearly lost a lung a couple of times. Felt like i had run a marathon after too, gees did we get hungrey.So, lunch was back in Mexico City overlooking the Cathedral and Parliment House at a rooftop resturant that was so stunning. Classical spanish guitar playing in the background, smells of barbequed beef coming from the open grill and my eyes streaming from having just bitten into what i thought was avocado but was actually the hottest green chilli on the planet....perfecto!..lol...(*note to self: Sara, in Mexico you simply MUST proceed with caution when it comes to food, OK!)

Thats why the shoes, i will blame it on the chilli. Glamazon and I took a trip around the shops and yes I ended up buying 5 pairs of shoes. I have no excuses other than I am a girl, they were really cheap, very cute and oh who am i kidding...I had a great afternoon. In fact, it was a super touristy and very lovely day.

The rest of the trip is looking full too,on Saturday we go to market, where many of the locals buy and sell their wares, cant wait. A relaxing day at a Spa here in the trendy and fashionable Palenco and of course training everyday has not stopped. The weather has been perfect too, we really could not have wished for a better close to our stay....
Hasta Manana...Adios..xx

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