Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Sometimes the going gets tough....

It has been a very hectic, hot and humid week in Melbourne. I am sure that anyone who trains regularly will agree, even when you feel on top of the world, the weather can change and throw you off a little...that was how the later part of the week panned out for me. This little duck is not used to Queensland-esque humidity. Back training on Friday felt like the weights had an extra tonne added to them as I tried to move through the moisture laden air and breathing..forget-about-it.
So this mornings 'BeachBody Fitness Camp', the last of 12 sessions, saw a welcomed relief in temperature, humidity and blessed sunshine. Phew!

26 Days and counting down now, I am happily dropping weight at a consistent rate, a few hundred grams each day-proving that all the hard n heavy weights,cardio and constant DOMS is paying dividends....yes I am sore ALL the time.
We had a mixed up training week this week, because Sunday became my rest day that meant Monday was leg training day, having to work or even think after 200+walking lunges and 50kg Squats was interesting to say the least. The knock on effect to the rest of the week from not having the recovery after the session was quite tangible. So this week we are back to the routine; Sunday Legs, Sunday afternoon CRASH....WOOP WOOP!

I have also started Posing practice every day, a part of preparation that I really enjoy because every season is different. My body shape changes slightly each time and this season having worked hard on training legs and back my positioning needs adjusting slightly. All I can think about is how amazing my bikini looks and I am so very excited to wear it on the day....cant wait.

So having spent the morning teaching, running around getting Auction pieces for the 'Operation RockIT USA' event (Feb 20th, CURVES, 50 Lorimer St, Docklands) framed in Coburg I am now getting my head into the pending Chest/abs training session.

For more info on how to attend the Feb 20th event, please head to www.pocketrocketproductions.com.au for tickets.

Performances, auctions and lots more......See you there....

*Remember that sometimes there are things that are out of our control that will test our will,ability and determination...if we are truly committed to success we will deal with what is before us. Stay true to what you KNOW needs to be done and simply get on with the JOB. We can't control everything in our world, all we can control is our responses to them.

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