Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Counting down to Santa

Have you checked out of work, checked out of gym, checked out of life? STOP!

Just because you are winding down to your much needed and I am sure well earn't holiday break, does not mean that your body needs to suffer the effects of over-indulgence and lack of physical exertion. 

We are designed to move and be active everyday, we function optimally mentally and emotionally when we have a balanced level of exercise incorporated into our daily routine, so rather than simply 'stopping', why not try 'doing' something different this holiday. Have you ever gone rock climbing? Pole dancing? Yoga? Pilates? or maybe learnt to surf or played golf? Perhaps a game of SKIRMISH is more your thing, what ever flicks your switch, make sure that this year, you change your boring Christmas routine. You might even learn something new that you really enjoy....what better gift can you get than learning something new about yourself and finding enjoyment from the most unlikely of places.

I for one, along with all the Rokettes are firmly focused on the March goal and will be seeing in the new year in true style, throwing weights around Doherty's Gym CITY and pounding out some seriously taxing sand based cardio sessions. I cant wait, I love holiday training. 

So set yourself some challenges this festive season, gorging is OUT and gorgeous is IN. So be kind to your body- let it move as it was meant to. That really is the BEST stress relief you can get.

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