Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

9 weeks and counting


Hi peeps,
It has been a pretty hectic week and my poor body is feeling it...sook, sook, The week began with a little health scare, which has been found to be perfectly fine now, but I was a little worried at one point. I had blood tests come back with off the chart statistics for my kidney much so that I was told that by rights I should have jaundice and about to be admitted for dialysis....yeh you can imagine, feeling pretty sprightly and very much kicking this diagnosis was more than a shock. So I was rushed to take a second test, which came back perfectly fine. So what was the issue in the first test you may ask. I was a little dehydrated t the time of the test, that is about all. what this did highlight for me was the necessity to get your bloods done regularly, because despite feeling fine we never really know what is going on at a cellular level. So for those training hard, pushing your physical boundaries, be proactive about your health management, in fact everyone should be proactive. You only get one vehicle in this life, take care of it.

Saturday saw me perform my IFBB Elite Championship winning routine on the main stage of the Herald Sun Career Expo at the Exhibition Centre. The interview with John Savage that followed was an opportunity to promote the IFBB federation and I was very happy to answer the questions of all that took the time to come up afterwards to say hi. It was a pleasure meeting you all and I hope to see lots of new faces competing in the shows in the not too distant future.
If anyone cannot find information about the IFBB here in Victoria go to ( or for information on the national happenings of the federation go to (

So we have more going on this coming week, I am so excited to be spending the day with Charlie Suriano, top photographer for Blitzmag publications (Ironman, Runners World, Golfers World, Womens Health & Fitness) the results of which will be seen very soon. I first worked with Charlie at Monica Brants FEM CAMP in Melbourne and despite Monica not being there to coach through the shoot, I know it will still be a heap of fun.
I have another DEXA scan coming up and having had some noticeable changes since the last one, I am pretty excited to see just what has been going on.

All the GIRLS GUIDE 12 Step Program girls have been asking some great questions and been doing the activities from the program, I am so proud of all of your highly motivated and committed efforts. Next week is half way through the trail, so we will see how you have all gone when we meet over an organic coffee next weekend.

So as a cold & wet Melbourne Sunday winds on through, make some firm and challenge worthy plans for your day and coming week, get those medical tests booked in and above all get excited about the plethora of possibilities for your health and fitness waiting to be explored and challenges accomplished.

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