Sabtu, 04 September 2010

17 days till Viva Las Vegas

As I was reminded by Glamazon this morning after one of the more gruelling spin classes we have done on a Sunday, '17 days to go'. I have been so focused on the day to day grind of cardio, calorie counting,food prep,weight training and chucking in some work on top (lol), that the days have slipped by and here we are.... So many people have been asking if I am excited about the pending trip and to be honest, right now I have hardly thought about the event in terms of how I feel about going. It has all been about the process of the lead up. Knowing me, when I actually sit on the plane about to take off, that is when the reality will set in, but for now its just business as usual and crank it all the way to the end.

So with all my bikinis in hand, flights, accomodation and even a photo shoot booked. Some work to do in Las Vegas for the wonderful 'IRONMAN Magazine' and 'Women's Health & Fitness', plus the Mexico leg of the trip under control, I feel as ready as one can be. I have been working so hard with my training and with the super cool and supportive Glamazon heading over with me I feel ready to take on the international challenge for a second time this year.

I have always maintained that every single show I have ever done, and after 6 years of competition, there have been a few, it is always a different experience. No preparation ever repeats itself in outcome, expectation nor delivery. There are of course the things you work out along the way that work for yourself and the things that don't, but often little nuances can alter each time. This World Championship preparation has been one of the more intensive experiences. It has tested my inner strength and mental strength on more than one occasion and has proven to me tenfold, that no matter what external pressures or constraints exist the only person who really has any control on the outcome is ME. When you allow your focus and attention to be drawn to any negative influences around you, you have lost before you even begin. So many it seems are ready to fold when things get really tough, to give in because it seems the easiest option, ready to skulk away to a dark corner and curl into a ball until the pressure passes. Life can lead you on a merry dance at times, something I have certainly learnt is that just when you think you have it all figured out, you will get a curve ball and how you deal with the curve ball will determine if you get a wild, cool experience that leads to more wild, cool experiences or if the curve ball throws you completely off the track you were on, grazes your knees and covers you in dust. I hope that like me, you dont do dust and grazed knees very well, but rather hang on for dear life and hurl that ball with all your strength from whence it came....cause really, that is the game, isn't it? Throwing that ball right back and seeing what happens is your part of engaging in the game. If you don't, then where is the fun in that?

So, Las Vegas and Mexico, I am throwing you the ball, please make the return exciting, challenging and above all an experience. I am ready for a cool and wild ride with loads of positivity and engaging people to meet along the way...Glamazon's on track and on board too....SO BRING IT!

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